           Just about every kid wants to become a rock star or a professional athlete when they grow up.But most of them never get the chance to pick up a guitar because they can be very expensive. I was fortunate enough to be able to start playing on my uncles guitar a few years ago. I would like my future employers to know this about me because I am hoping to work in the field of guitars one day. I would like to instead of becoming a rock star become a sells man for some of the major companies like Gibson or Fender.If that doesn't work out i would like to build them. Recently I built a electric guitar and it came out very good and i had fun building it so I would like to maybe do that. 

Can a Pet help a persons well-being? I belive that a pets do this all the time. It is often said that a dog is mans best friend because of their loyalty and obediance.The pet doesnt just have to be a dog though lots of people have pet fish. A pet is like a friend you can play with them. A dog can fetch a ball a cat can play with a fake bird and you can teach parots how to say a specific sentence.Pets can help your well-being by never leaving you when poeple do. Pets also make you exersise a dog must go for a walk every day a fish needs food so you must get off the couch and feed it . They also teach responsibility,They teach you to awalys remember to feed it in the morning and at night and let them out of the house to use the bathroom